File No. 040 Fluffy しっぽ
A mysterious talking cat who offers Megumi Yakushiji a deal. He enters a contract with Yakushiji, promising he'll grant her wish of saving Juro Kurabe if she carries out a dangerous mission.
Though he looks like the cat seen around Sakura High, they're two completly different animals. Only Yakushiji is able to see him.
While Yakushiji lies unconscious on the floor after shooting herself with the Magical Gun, Fluffy speaks to her about his true motives, then leaves. All this time he's been talking to her about Magic, when his true goal concerned the Sentinels.
Fluffy's true identity is 426, or Juro Izumi. In order to prevent the kaiju invasion from destroying the world, Fluffy had Yakushiji inject nanomachines into the "witches", which unlocked the entire Deimos game system. Although this means the kaiju will be an even greater threat, it also unlocks beneficial features that help in fighting off the kaiju. This includes obtaining Meta-Chips every time a kaiju is defeated, and using Meta-Chips to strengthen the Sentinels.